Omri Shapira

Catalog #33

Omri Shapira

Untitled (at Ein Hakore)
60 x 60 cm
inkjet print, 1 of 5

About the Artwork: The story behind this location is as follows:  Samson, the biblical hero, was thirsty, and he prayed to God and asked for water. He found a source, which he named "the source of the caller (to God)" which is referred to in the bible as Ein Hakore (Ein=Source / Hakore = Caller).  Today, this desolate landscape has become a junction of hope, connecting people and paving the way for a better future.

About the Artist: Israeli born photographer, graduate of the Bezalel Acadamy of Art, lives in the heart of historic Tel-Aviv, works and creates for almost a decade.Published works in several leading Israeli magazines, such as art and culture magazine 'Time Out', fashion and trend setting magazine 'Blazer' and intellectual and literary journal "Alpaiim".A book by Israel's most famous and popular singer, Shlomo Artzi, celebrating 30 years of his radio show "Not Saturday Yet", published sep. 2009, was extensively illustrated by Shapira.In Aug. 2009, Shapira joined a photography gallery named "D&A". His works will appear regularly in group exhibitions. His first individual show is scheduled for June 2010.